The site terms of use
Appendix 1 to the License Agreement

These Rules are developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and include Appendix No. 1 to the License Agreement granting the right to use the Site and Mobile Application (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement").

These Rules are binding on all Site Licensees.

Licensee shall be required to read these Rules before registering on the Site.

All terms and abbreviations used in these Regulations shall be given in accordance with the definitions specified in the Contract.

Domain administrator is the limited liability company "Doctor at Work".

2.1. To start using the Site and the Mobile App, the Licensee must complete the registration process.

2.2. Licensee registration is free and voluntary.

2.3. When registering on the Site, the Licensee shall provide the Site Administration with the necessary reliable and up-to-date information for the Licensee Account formation, including a login unique for each Licensee (e-mail address and/or mobile phone number), as well as a surname and first name. The registration form of the Site may request additional information, required to be provided from the Licensee. Upon registration, the Licensee shall provide the Site Administration with all information requested by the Site registration form. The password is generated automatically when registering on the Site. The Licensee shall have the right to change the password after registration on the Site by sending a request to the Administration of the Site on the terms and conditions posted on the Site.

2.4. Registration is made on /

2.5. By registering on the Site, the Licensee unequivocally and unconditionally confirms that they have read and agree to these Rules and Agreement.

2.6. Upon registration, the Licensee agrees to these Rules and assumes the rights and obligations set forth therein relating to the use and operation of the Site. Licensee agrees to receive information and advertising content, including from partners of the Site Administration, to the Personal Profile, as well as to the e-mail address and mobile phone number specified in the Account through the services of the Site Administration and/or services of third parties in the form of electronic messages, sms, messages in messengers and other types of mailing.

2.7. Login and password are necessary and sufficient information for Licensee’s access to the Site and/or Mobile Application. Licensee does not have the right to transfer its login and password to third parties and is fully responsible for their safety by choosing their storage method. Licensee may authorize the storage of login and password (using cookies) on the hardware and software used by the Licensee for subsequent automatic authorization on the Site and/or in the Mobile Application, and Licensee shall take measures to ensure the security of its Account. Unless proved otherwise by the Licensee, any activity performed using their login and password shall be deemed to have been performed by the relevant Licensee. In case of an unauthorized access to the Login and Password and/or Licensee’s Account, or distribution of the Login and Password, the Licensee shall promptly inform the Site Administration.

2.8. The Licensee, as the holder of the information posted on the Site, including the Account, is aware that except as provided by these Rules and the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation, the Site Administration does not participate in the formation and use of the content and control of access of other users to the Licensee’s personal page. By posting the information on the Site, as well as on the Account, including its personal data, the Licensee is aware and agrees that the specified information may be available to other users of the Internet, taking into account the peculiarities of the architecture and functionality of the Site.

2.9. Upon registration, Licensee shall have the right to post the Content free of charge, as well as in other ways not contrary to these Rules and the Agreement, to determine the content to fill the Site with.

2.10. Basic Site services are provided to Licensees free of charge. The Site Administration shall not require the Licensee to pay for any services other than payments for additional paid services, which the Licensee will be informed about in advance and which the Licensee will express intention to use to the Licensor.

2.11. In case of payments made by the Site Administration to the Licensee according to the terms of shares, bonus programs and competitions of the Site, the Licensee shall provide the Site Administration with the information necessary for payment and performance by the Site Administration of the duties of the tax agent in the form and in the amount specified in the corresponding request of the Site Administration within the requested time.

2.12. The Site Administration shall have the right to install Licensees' rating accumulation systems and to award points to Licensees for accumulated rating.

2.13. The Site home page, through which all other web pages of the Site can be accessed, is available on the Internet at

2.14. The Administration shall determine the total number of Licensees on the Site.

3.1. Only Licensees who have confirmed their professional status have full access to the Site and/or the Mobile Application. Licensees that confirmed Professional Status for the purposes of these Rules mean those who have a higher medical education and who have confirmed professional status in a procedure provided for in these Rules.

3.2. In order to confirm the Licensee’s professional status, the Site Administration checks the information submitted by the Licensee at registration within 10 (ten) working days and confirms/does not confirm the Licensee’s professional status. The term of confirmation of professional status may be extended for a period at the discretion of the Site Administration, about which the Site Administration notifies the Licensee to the e-mail address specified at registration.

3.3. In order to confirm the Licensee’s professional status, the Site Administration has the right to request and the Licensee is obliged to provide electronic images of the following documents: document on higher professional medical education and qualification; specialist certificate and/or accreditation certificate; identity document (passport); A document confirming Licensee’s employment status with a medical organization. The specified electronic images of documents shall be provided by the Licensee of the Site Administration using the Site, Mobile Application or by e-mail in a format and size allowing their transmission on the Internet and reading using computer programs.

3.4. If the results of the inspection reveal that the Licensee has provided false or false information, the Site Administration shall refuse to confirm such Licensee 's professional status and shall have the right to remove the Licensee 's registration on the Site.

4.1. The Site Administration may suspend, restrict or terminate Licensee’s access to all or any of the sections of the Site and/or the Mobile Application, the functions of the Site, including the Account, including activities, at any time without explanation, with or without prior notice.

4.2. Licensee may remove the Account by clicking the "DELETE" button or other similar button and performing other actions provided for by the Site.

4.3. Licensor may remove the Licensee Account with the immediate termination of access and possibility to use the Site and Mobile Application at any time, without prior notice to Licensee and without any explanation.

4.4. After the Account is deleted, the Licensee will lose access to the Site. Upon Removal of the Account and upon expiration of the retention period stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation for organizers of information dissemination on the Internet, all Information placed in it, as well as all Licensee information entered at registration on the Site are automatically deleted.


5.1. In case of doubt as to the legality of any actions, including the posting of Information or the granting of access, the Site Administration recommends to refrain from carrying out the latter.

5.2. It is prohibited to post information that violates the rights of third parties to information or to the results of intellectual activity. This restriction refers to the prohibition of copying any information without the consent of the right holder, while allowing:

(a) Citation in the original and in translation for scientific, polemic, critical or informational purposes of lawfully published works, including reproduction of excerpts from newspaper and journal articles in the form of press reviews, in the scope justified by the purpose of citation, but not more than a quarter of the author’s text of the publication;

(b) Usage of legally published works and excerpts thereof as illustrations in publications, radio and television broadcasts, sound and video recordings of a educational nature in the scope justified by the purpose;

© reporting to the public with reviews of current events by means of photography, cinematography, by broadcasting or by cable works that become seen or heard in the course of such events, in a volume justified by the information purpose.

Any citation shall be expressly quoted, included in quotation marks (in the case of text citation) and shall refer to the source of the citation, including the author and the publication, from which the information was obtained, in accordance with the limitations of paragraph 3.2.5 of the Licence Agreement. Without limitation, it is permitted to place information created by the Licensee, in respect of which the Licensee has the right to use it.

It is not permitted to copy, distribute, store and publish on other Internet resources the information posted on the Site, as well as to provide access to information on the Site to third parties, which are not Site Licensees, except for links to pages of the Site. Licensee is advised to refrain from posting on the Site, Doctor 's Feed and Doctorgrams publications that are not valuable in their content and cannot give rise to a professional discussion, as well as questions to which the expected answers will not have professional value either. The determination of value remains the prerogative of the Site Administration, which may remove such publications/questions.

5.3. Licensee, when using the Site, shall not:

(a) Register as Licensee on behalf of or in place of another person ("false account") or register a legal entity as Licensee. At the same time, registration for and on behalf of another individual or legal entity is possible provided that the necessary powers are obtained in the procedure and form provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

(b) Create more than one Account for one Licensee on the Site. If two or more accounts are identified, the Administration of the Site may leave one Account on the Site, which was created the very first, or block all existing Accounts until the circumstances are clarified. When two or more Accounts are blocked, points and bonuses received on each account are cancelled without the right to restore;

© Mislead Licensees and the Site Administration as to their identity using the login and password of another registered Licensee;

(d) Distort information about themselves, their age or their relations with other persons or organizations;

(e) Mass distribution of messages to other Licensees without their consent;

(f) Use the software and perform actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the Site or Licensee Accounts;

(g) Download, store, publish, distribute and otherwise access or otherwise use viruses, trojans and other malware through the Site;

(h) Use automated scripts (programs, bots, crowlers) to collect information on the Site and/or interact with the Site and its functionality without special permission of the Site Administration;

(i) By any means, including, but not limited to, deception, abuse of trust, hacking, attempt to access another Licensee 's login and password;

(j) Illegal collection and processing of personal data of other persons;

(k) Use the Site by other means than through an interface provided by the Site Administration, except as expressly authorized by the Licensee under a separate agreement with the Site Administration;

(l) Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade and resell the use of the Site for any purpose except as expressly permitted by the Licensee under a separate agreement with the Administration;

(m) place advertisement and political advertisement;

(n) Post vacancies on the Site, namely, recruitment announcements without previous agreement with the Site Administration.

(o) Carry out on their own or on behalf of other Licensees using the functionality of their Account, including by misleading or promising incentives, including using any programs, automated scripts, mass similar actions aimed at artificially increasing the quantitative indicators taken into account by the Site when conducting surveys, votes, etc.;

(p) Use intrusive ways to draw attention to its publication when posting Content, including use of title writing in capital letters, several punctuation marks, non-standard font, etc.;

(q) post photos of patients without impersonation (it is mandatory to paint the face, eyes)

® To post personal information of the patient (name, address of residence and registration, data from personal, including medical, documents). It is mandatory to paint such information when posting electronic images (photos) of documents containing such information.

(s) Discuss personal health and the health of relatives when they are not the patients in the Doctor’s Feed. Such topics should only be placed in groups;

(t) Question the competence, adequacy and availability of Higher Health Education of other Licensees. This shall be notified to the Site Administration by any means provided for by the Site, including Personal Communication;

(u) posting publications, the topics and content of which duplicate completely or almost completely previously placed publications in the Doctor’s Feed and in groups.

(v) Upload, store, publish, distribute and make available or otherwise use on the Site any Information that:

  • Contains threats, discredits, offends, tarnishes honour and dignity, business reputation, or violates the privacy of other Licensees or third parties;
  • Violates the rights of minors, including harm to their health, moral and spiritual development;
  • Is vulgar or obscene, contains obscene language, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature, including those involving minors;
  • Contains scenes of violence or inhuman treatment of animals;
  • Contains a description of the means and methods of suicide (suicides), any incitement to commit it, except when such description is part of a professional subject matter, description of clinical experience or discussion of scientific or educational materials;
  • Contains extremist materials, including those included in the federal list of extremist materials;
  • promotes racial, religious, ethnic, other hatred or enmity, promotes fascism, ideology of racial or other superiority;
  • Calls for mass riots, extremist activities, participation in mass (public) events conducted in violation of the established order, information materials of a foreign or international non-governmental organization whose activities are considered undesirable in the territory of the Russian Federation, information allowing access to these information or materials;
  • Contains information, the dissemination of which is prohibited in the Russian Federation, including by posting links to Internet resources containing such information;
  • Promotes criminal activity or contains advice, instructions or guidelines for the commission of criminal acts,
  • Contains restricted access information such as state and/or trade secrets, information about the privacy of third parties, etc.;
  • Contains advertising, including political advertising;
  • Includes the promotion of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances, cultivation of drug-containing plants, any advantage in the use of certain drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues or precursors, new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances, drug-containing plants, including the use of narcotic drugs for medical purposes, psychotropic substances, new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances, drug-containing plants, which inhibit the will of a person or adversely affect his mental or physical health;
  • contains the advertizing or information directed to stimulation of sale of tobacco, tobacco products and (or) consumption of tobacco;
  • has fraudulent character;
  • And also violates other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.4. Licensee may only post a photograph of themselves on the Account. Photos of other people, animals or animated pictures are prohibited. Licensee may not post its photo on the Account. In such case, the Account for other Licensees will automatically show the inscription: "NO PHOTO ."

5.5. Licensee may give titles to its publications on the Site, emphasizing the content of the publication and its uniqueness, increasing Licensees 'interest in reading the publication, both on the Site and when receiving the publication in the mailing. All titles that do not reflect the essence of the publication can be edited by the Site Administration. The Site Administration has the right to change the titles of the publications, with emphasis on the content of the publication, in order to increase its attractiveness to Licensees and third parties.

5.6. The Site Administration shall ensure the Site 's functioning and operability and shall promptly restore its operability in case of technical failures and interruptions. The administration of the Site shall not be responsible for temporary failures and interruptions of the Site and the resulting loss of information. The Administration shall not be liable for any damage to the computer of the Licensee or any other person, mobile devices, any other equipment or software caused or related to the download of materials from the Site or from links posted on the Site.

5.7. The Administration of the Site shall have the right to dispose of statistical information related to the operation of the Site, as well as information of Licensees to ensure the targeted display of advertising information to various audiences of Licensees.

5.8. The Site Administration shall have the right to send to the Licensee information on the development of the Site and its functionality, as well as to advertise its own activities.

5.9. The Site Administration shall take the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect the Licensee 's personal data from unauthorized and illegal or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution of personal data. If personal data of the Licensee is provided in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Federation legislation and the rules of use of the Site, the Administration of the Site shall monitor the legality of their use.

5.10. The Site is not intended for carrying out consultations (consultations of doctors) in remote interaction of health workers among themselves at delivery of health care with use of telemedicine technologies.

6.1. The allocation of sections is intended to streamline the structure of publications on the Site. If Licensee fails to comply with these Publication Rules, the Site Administration reserves the right to move the publication to any section at its discretion or to remove the publication from the Site. After you move a publication by Site Administration, you cannot change the publication type. Materials that violate these rules will be moved to other sections at the discretion of the Site Administration.

6.2. SECTION "CLINICAL CONSULTATION". Cases are posted only from Licensees 'own practice, in the form of tasks, clinical questions or similar forms of presentation. The publication must meet the following criteria: the case is NOT complete (the publication initially reflects only part of the information available to the author on the case). Clinical information (complaints, history, survey data, etc.) is presented in a volume sufficient to understand the clinical picture. Questions to colleagues on this case are clearly formulated (not more than 5). Only photo and video information without a textual description of clinical information is not allowed. It is not permitted to use cases from the practice of another doctor without his prior consent, as well as without prior notification to the Administration of the Site.

6.3. SECTION "CLINICAL EXPERIENCE". Interesting, cognitive and unique clinical cases, observations from Licensees own practice, which do not require finding solutions, are placed in order to inform colleagues and familiarize them with the experience and practice of the author of the publication. The publication must meet the following criteria: the case is complete. The publication reflects all the information the author has set out for publication. The publication contains illustrative material (photos, videos, document scans, etc., related to this case or not related to this patient, but capable of illustrating the proposed experience). In some cases, it is allowed to post clinical cases of other doctors if the author of the publication has permission to publish this data.

6.4. SECTION "EXCHANGE OF VIEWS". Materials on medical topics of a substantive nature are posted to discuss various issues related to medical practice, health care and professional communication. Discussion of medical news with links to other sites or without links in this section is prohibited (news is posted and discussed in the group). It is necessary to formulate issues on the substance of the publication aimed at raising the problem for discussion. It is recommended to use headers that reflect the problem raised.

6.5. SECTION "MEDICINE DISCUSSION". Information on the experience of using the drug in the daily clinical work of the doctor is posted only from the own practice of Licensees. It is possible to evaluate the efficacy or inefficiency of the preparation on the basis of data from studies known to Licensee or on the basis of personal experience of application or experience of application by Licensee 's patients (patient feedback). You can ask your colleagues about the drug. Only the drug officially registered in the Russian Federation can be discussed. It is prohibited to place in whole or in part instructions for preparations. You cannot reprint more than 300 characters of text or transfer images from other sites or printed sources.

6.6. SECTION "WORKING QUESTION". There are brief, purely professional non-clinical questions on work, documents, legislation, search for something (honey. sites, literature, additional education, etc.). It is allowed to place only questions formulated very specifically and succinctly. It is prohibited to resubmit questions already discussed in this section.

6.7. SECTION "GROUPS". Materials related to the topics of this group are posted. Moderation of publications and messages in the section is carried out by the Administration of the Site. Non-medical subjects are possible.

6.7.1. The publications concerning work of the Site, questions to Administration of the Site, claim, complaint, congratulation are allowed to be placed only in the "Questions to D Team" group. The Administration reserves the right to transfer publications on these topics from all other sections to this group.

6.8. Plagiarism is considered to be the appropriation of the authorship of someone else 's material or the deliberate concealment of information about the true authorship of a text placed on the portal.

7.1. The interaction between the Licensee and the Site Administration may be performed using the Site through the Licensee Account/Site Administration or using the Licensee’s e-mail specified as the Licensee’s login/Account, the Site Administration e-mail specified on the Site as the e-mail address for communication with the Site Administration, as well as other means specified on the Site, including by telephone.

7.2. The Site and its functionality, including all scripts, applications, content and design of the Site are delivered "as is." The administration of the Site waives any assurance that the Site or its functionality may or may not be suitable for specific purposes of use. The Site Administration cannot guarantee or promise any specific results from the use of the Site and/or its functionality.

7.3. To avoid misunderstandings, Licensee shall observe precautions when downloading from the Site or the links on the Site and using any files, including software. The Site administration strongly recommends the use of licensed software, including anti-virus software.

7.4. By using the site, Licensee agrees that she/he downloads any material from the site or uses it at her/his own risk and is personally responsible for the possible consequences of using such material, including the damage it may cause to Licensee’s computer and/or mobile device or third parties, loss of data or any other harm.

7.5. In no event shall the Site Administration or its representatives be liable to Licensee or any third party for any indirect, accidental, unintentional damage, including loss of profits or lost data, damage to honour, dignity or business reputation caused in connection with the use of the site, The contents of the Site or other materials to which you or other persons have access through the Site, Even if the Site Administration has warned or indicated the possibility of such harm.
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